Eczema & Athlete's foot
Eczema is the term used to describe dry, irritated, red, itchy, inflamed skin, sometimes covered in painful blisters. Eczema is not contagious, and is usually triggered by one or many of the below listed causes.

Eczema on hands
– exposure or direct contact with household chemicals ( dish soap, cleaning supplies,…)
– exposure or direct contact with acrylic liquid or powder
– harsh or perfumed soaps or lotions
– moist hands from prolonged contact with water
– excessively sweaty palms
– stress
– dust/pollen
– jewelry from nickel (rings/bracelets/watches)
– latex gloves
Eczema must not be confused with athletes' foot – a contagious fungal infection of the foot, which can spread to toenails, nails and hands through itching and contact. The symptoms are similar to those of eczema – dry, inflamed and irritated skin on the soles of the feet, at their sides and between toes, burning and itching sensations, blisters and bed smell.
Treatment of eczema / Athlete's foot
Here are most common triggers of athlete's foot
– direct contact ( being barefoot in public bathrooms/showers/swimming pools ..)
– minor injuries, cracks and cuts on the soles of the feet ( easy entry point for fungal spores )
– sharing of towels, socks and shoes with an infected person
– prolonged period of time in wet socks and closed shoes
– moist feet from excessive sweatiness
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