Importance of healthy cuticle
Thin tissue surrounding the nail bed is called the cuticle. Generally we take great care of how our nails look, by filing them into desired shape and applying gel polish. However, the cuticle is often left neglected. Dry and chapped cuticles, can spoil the look of any manicure, not to mention your nails’ health.
A healthy cuticle is essential for healthy and strong nail growth. Cuticle role is protect and nourish nail matrix, which is the white ‘half moon’ visible at the base of the nail. There is another ‘half moon’, not visible, and is actually covered by the cuticle. The ‘full moon’ is called the nail matrix, this is where the process of new cells development takes place, old cells are pushed forward to form the nail. The quality of the cells, their health and the speed at which they are produced is determined by the matrix.
The following symptoms are a sign that your cuticle is mistreated :
- Brittle and ridged nails
- Discoloration
- Thin and dry nails
Common causes of damaged cuticles:
- Over filing/buffing of the nail especially close to the cuticle, thins out nails matrix and damages the cuticle
- Eczema
- Malnutrition
- Nail and cuticle biting
- Mechanical irritation of the cuticle
- Regular exposure and sensitivity to household or other chemicals
- Frequent hand washing with harsh soap
Damaged and cracked cuticles can and will get infected , as microorganisms can easily get in through the broken skin. Signs of infected cuticles are : red and swollen cuticle, which is painful to the touch.
Cuticle Care
Pampered cuticle is essential for perfect manicure. Now, you can look after your cuticle and keep it in perfect condition in between salon visits, so your hands can have that “just out of the salon” looks all the time!
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